You don't need superpowers to eat a rainbow!


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Have you ever seen a rainbow in the sky? How did it make you feel? Happy, excited, amazed, right? Well, did you know that you can make your own rainbow on your plate? And it can make you feel even happier, more excited, and more amazed. How? By eating fruits and vegetables with different colors.

Eating fruits and vegetables with different colors is good for you. They have vitamins and minerals that your body needs to grow and stay healthy. And different colors have different vitamins and minerals. Eating fruits and vegetables with different colors can help you get all the vitamins and minerals you need. It can also make your food more fun and tasty.

You can eat fruits and vegetables with different colors every day. You can eat them raw, cooked, or blended. You can eat them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snacks. You can eat them alone or with other foods. You can make your own rainbow on your plate by choosing fruits and vegetables of different colors.

Let's see what each color can do for you:

  • Red: Red fruits and vegetables are good for your heart and skin. They have vitamin C and lycopene. Some examples are tomatoes πŸ…, watermelon πŸ‰, red peppers , cherries πŸ’ and strawberries πŸ“. They are berry good for you! 😊
  • Orange: Orange fruits and vegetables are good for your eyes and immune system. They have vitamin A and beta-carotene. Some examples are carrots πŸ₯•, oranges 🍊, pumpkin πŸŽƒ and mangoes πŸ₯­. They are a-peeling to your health! πŸ˜„
  • Yellow: Yellow fruits and vegetables are good for your nerves and brain. They have vitamin B6 and folate. Some examples are bananas 🍌, lemons πŸ‹, pineapple 🍍 and maize 🌽. They are a-maize-ing for your mind! 😁
  • Green: Green fruits and vegetables are good for your skin, bones and teeth. They have vitamin K and chlorophyll. Some examples are spinach, broccoli πŸ₯¦, kiwi πŸ₯, avocado πŸ₯‘, and lettuce πŸ₯¬. Onlookers' turn to be green.Β 
  • Blue: Blue fruits and vegetables are good for your brain and memory. They have anthocyanins and flavonoids. Some examples are blueberries, blackberries, grapes πŸ‡, and eggplant πŸ†.They are blue-tiful for your mind! 😊

And don't ignore the colours of the grains. Ever noticed the colourful millets?  And they are equally diverse and rich  in nutrition too. So next time you see a rainbow in the sky, remember that you can make one on your plate too. Just choose some colorful fruits, veggies and grains to munch on. You'll be eating a rainbow and feeling like a star! ⭐️

And if you looking to track your rainbow, click hereΒ to download.

Eat a Rainbow Freebie Tracker

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